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 Lotting Rules (to be updated)

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Number of posts : 884
Localisation : France~
Registration date : 2006-02-06

Lotting Rules (to be updated) Empty
PostSubject: Lotting Rules (to be updated)   Lotting Rules (to be updated) EmptyMon 18 Aug - 16:05

Old Lotting rules:
After every Proto, we look at what dropped, and call every part in LS for 12 points (and if nobody want for 12 , we call for 6 points, then it's free lot if there is still nobody who want) and the person who have the most points get it.

Why a change ?
Because the current system is going out of control; old members have too many points.
Arrow By doing the change, we hope that will increase chance for new member to be able to lot Homam/Nashirah parts faster.
Arrow The job priority order wasn't used.

New Lotting rules:
Before every Proto, we will call every piece of Nashirah/Homam susceptible to drop. For every piece, everyone will be able to bid as many times as they want in /l. The 2 persons with the highest bid for a given piece will be written by Officiers (except for body, only the highest will be written).
After Proto's death, we will call who can lot according to previous bid.

Important points:
Arrow Bid are based on points, you can't bid more than your current points
Arrow You can bid on more than one piece, but the sum of your bidding must be under your total points
Arrow There is an initial minimum point to start bidding, this minimum is 6, if nobody bid for more than 6, this piece will be free lot
Arrow People who win a Proto piece will get no points for the given run

For each set Homam/Nashira, you can set 2 jobs you have at lvl 74+. Those jobs will give you bonus points for your bidding according to the board here :

Lotting Rules (to be updated) Priority-jobs


Calta have 130 pts, he set whm & smn for Nashira set.
Iorika have 42 pts, he set rdm and blm for Nashira set
They both want Nashira body

Calta will get 8 (from whm) + 4 (from smn) bonus pts, so +12 bonus
Iorika will get 6 (from rdm) + 10 (from blm) bonus pts, so +16 bonus

Calta bid 10 pts + 12 bonus , make him at +22
Iorika bid 8 pts + 16 bonus, make him at +24
Calta bid 15 pts + 12 bonus, make him at +27
Iorika give up
::insert Ultima fight here::
Omg nashira Body drop, Calta lot it, he lose 15 pts.

You can post your selection here.
If you have any question about it, then post it here.

(In case you don't have acces to this last thread, just send me a PM, I'll fix it.)
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